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The sweet breeze and the pretty trees

A handful of pink petalsFlowering tree with pink petals on the groundThe hillside is turning greenWild violetPurple topI’m focusing on the sweet breeze and the pretty trees.  It’s much nicer than others things going on lately.

I’m lucky that my office window opens and I can enjoy the sweet smelling breeze as the bird sing.  There is a tree outside with beautiful fluffy white and pale pink blossoms that don’t stink like dead fish.  The bees love this tree naturally and seem to be humming along with the chorus of birds.  The breeze makes it rain petals on the sidewalk as if there had been a wedding we couldn’t see.

At home my yard is covered with purple topped blooms that dance a fine line between weeds and wildflowers.  I guess it all depends on whether they spring up along the driveway or in my garden beds.  The bumble bees are in love with them.  Last evening I sat on the front steps and watched their over sized bee bodies teeter and tooter across the purple topped lawnscape.

I’ve found that I now know stuff coming into this growing season.  Information that comes naturally from the past years of work and toil in the garden.  I know that even though the days are sunny, I should probably wait until the ground warms up before I plant the purple hull peas.  I know that the bumble bees are good for my tomatoes.  Their vigorous shaking in flight increases pollination results.  I know that the time i spend playing int he dirt makes me happy and that the work makes me feel better.

So here’s to the garden season, may we all have a better outlook on things to come.


  1. Katharine says:

    It is so magical, like snow, when a huge tree like that drops billions of tiny petals. Ours is a pear and the blooms were white.
    As for sweet breezes, we have jasmine and lilac and wisteria right now. Amazing outdoors. Happy bees.
    Thanks for reminding me to open a window!

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