A work in progress for the past two years.
This large granny square afghan was always destined to be the perfect summer spread.
The ever expanding size (covering a queen size here) quickly made it inconvenient to stuff into my crochet bag and lug around. And because you literally have to wear it as you crochet it the warmer months make it less that cool to work on for very long. So a lot of progress was made this winter due mainly to the fact that I was tired of trying to hide it in the crochet basket.

I like my bedtime covers to have a bit of weight to them. To feel that you are snuggled under something. But during the summer you run the risk of sweltering or forking over your life savings for the electric bill. Crocheted blankets this size tend to be rather heavy but the openness of a granny stitch allows for air to circulate through the sheet underneath.
And when you’re sick in bed with the plague (as Liz calls it) all weekend, you have time to finish the edges. All weekend I fought with horrible cold symptoms and a general stuffiness in my ears that I really haven’t been able the shake. (I’m blaming the strawberries) So I’m resorting the plans B & C.
Beer & Chocolate