no not the kind that gets your house all clean and cozy and smelling nice.
this is quite the opposite.
this kind of nesting actually makes a bigger mess.
why does spanish moss have to crumble so? and how can i loose a whole day trying to figure out how to make my own crochet nest pattern?

I love, love the crochet nest with crochet eggs. They are way too cute. Love ya, sis.
The crochet nest is really good. Very authentic looking. Hope you have a nice weekend.>Love ya, >Cec
Jeanetta, loving the nests, but then again that’s why I come here always innventive treats here!! Thanks for sharing pieces of you!!
I love nests! Hmmmmm, I wonder how they would work as toppings on my outside chandaliier…. you know, where the light bulb goes…. I need something that will withstand our weather. Are these going on Etsy?
I love the chrochet nest! All the nests in your post are so sweet..>Penny
Oh I ADORE the nest and eggs! Very cute!!
I love it!
Sweet! You are so talented!
Oh my gosh, love the nests–obviously have a thing for them! 😉 The crocheted ones are adorable!!