THere have been soooo many changes in the last couple of months since I last wrote. If you follow me on social media you know this involves a new job, juggling a creative small business, and just the general ups and downs of life.
And bowling! I’m a bowler now. We bowl. On a team. In a league. I have my own shoes! It’s so much fun.
And there’s the garden. This year tending to my own garden has been odd since my new job is taking care of a massive one. I have picked up some great tips. Like laying down fabric and mulch to deter weeds. That is working like a champ! And I have found the perfect tomato trellises.
Tomorrow I turn 41. Age really doesn’t bother me at all. Mainly because I feel I’m the most me I’ve ever been. Sort of like that “muchness” that Tim Burton’s Mad Hatter talked to Alice about.