We have been without internet at our house for almost a week now. The new modem was supposed to arrive yesterday but did not. I’m trying to look on the bright side about this in that I have been setting up my drafting table in my bedroom so that I have a dedicated art space. Hanging pictures on the wall that I love to look at and garner inspiration from.
But I have some great stories in my head and pictures I want to edit. Sure I could write them on paper or type them into a word document and save for later but that just seems like adding one more step.
I know, I am just making excuses.
I joined a facebook group started by a fellow Arkansas blogger that focuses on creating content everyday. In fact it’s called Create Content Everyday in 2015. I am far from living up to my end of it but this small group of fellow bloggers does help keep that notion in my head. So while my internet connection is failing me (thanks goodness for 4g) these living breathing connections are keeping my creative juices flowing. If its only just a trickle right now.