I was invited to tour a farm by the Arkansas Soybean Promotional Board not far from where I lived to share the stories of Arkansas soybean farmers. #ARSoyStory #themiraclebean #ARSoySupper …

All things from my garden
I was invited to tour a farm by the Arkansas Soybean Promotional Board not far from where I lived to share the stories of Arkansas soybean farmers. #ARSoyStory #themiraclebean #ARSoySupper …
Aren’t summer colds the best? I’ve been drinking gallons of hot things just to keep my voice from going. The garden looks lovely. The purple coneflowers are so tall this …
Read about my garden exploding in this Foodie Friday post on the Arkansas Women Bloggers Website! Art imitates life. Art imitates the garden. Art imitates work. Art imitates my lunch. …
Since tomorrow’s my birthday I’m giving you a surprise! Use the code HBDJEANETTA and get 10% off your order in my #etsy shop. Don’t forget about free shipping too FREESHIP4JDART. …
I know its only the 9th but for some reason things seem to be moving fast. Maybe its because its such a short month. And maybe I’m excited for Spring …
For the first time since moving to our small patch of wanna be farm acreage, we are without livestock. Over the last year we a given the goats away to …
I get so excited when the gardening and growing season starts. The chance to sink my hands into the ground and pull out food. And this year has become even …