I am determined to created more art. I spent a lot of money on a degree for this and it’s about time I do something with it. The problem has …

I am determined to created more art. I spent a lot of money on a degree for this and it’s about time I do something with it. The problem has …
Organizing my drafting table I thought the wall above it should be inspiring too. A photo posted by Jeanetta (@jeanettadarley) on Jul 25, 2015 at 12:22pm PDT We have been …
Sunrise, coffee, water. All I need for the perfect vacation morning. The oppressive heat of July has yet to make an impact on the day. There is a strong breeze …
The thought of dinner during the summer can sometimes be a daunting thought. No one wants to heat up the kitchen to cook. This is when I love gathering simple …
For ages now I’ve been meaning to put together a reoccurring post that would just let you know about all the really cool things I see or read or find. …
We celebrated Independence Day with acceptable fanfare. We reveled in family, fire, friends, and food. Ben’s family was in town visiting so the kids and I took them out bright …
I get so excited when the gardening and growing season starts. The chance to sink my hands into the ground and pull out food. And this year has become even …