I am ever in need of prodding. Of something to remind me to keep at it. Keep creating. Keep drawing. Keep painting. Just keep making art in general. And since …

From the garden to the canvas
Read about my garden exploding in this Foodie Friday post on the Arkansas Women Bloggers Website! Art imitates life. Art imitates the garden. Art imitates work. Art imitates my lunch. …

Crack that whip
I am in full blown art production mode. While on vacation I was reminded of a gallery show I agreed to do with my old periscope partner in crime Kellee …

It’s all so new
Since tomorrow’s my birthday I’m giving you a surprise! Use the code HBDJEANETTA and get 10% off your order in my #etsy shop. Don’t forget about free shipping too FREESHIP4JDART. …

Daydream believer
So many ideas in my head. Read my ode to Walter Mitty on Arkansas Women Bloggers. I’m a firm believer in daydreams. In fantasizing. In zoning out and letting your …

Inspired and encouraged
I just have to say I’ve never felt more inspired and encouraged as an artist as I am feeling lately. And I am sure most of that is due to …

Marching on out
March seems to have come and gone. I was sick with the plague and cough for most of February so I was very happy to see March roll in. Even …