Aren’t summer colds the best? I’ve been drinking gallons of hot things just to keep my voice from going. The garden looks lovely. The purple coneflowers are so tall this …
A little sweet
Sometimes I can spend all day at the canvas when I get involved with a painting. And by midafternoon I usually need a pick me up. And sometimes I want …
You know what they say about sleeping giants
It’s always good to do things that you don’t usually do. Things you thought you were never good at. I never liked mixing skin tones. It was my nemesis in …
A little sketchy
I’m constantly doodling and drawing. All the time……. And on everything. No scrap of paper is safe. I keep my Precise V5 black rolling ball pens close at hand. And …
Snow for Friday
Apparently, all you had to do was ask. Or complain. The squeaky wheel gets the snow day in this case. There’s something about that blanket of white covering everything that …
Coffee routine
I have developed a very bad habit of getting my morning coffee then going back to bed and drinking it while snuggled under the covers. This fosters little desire to …
Art finished or abandoned
I heard recently that no work of art is ever finished its just merely abandoned. I can always work a drawing or a painting. I’ll keep messing with the shading …