I want to start painting again more than anything. I see so many things and pictures from my head that I would love to recreate with brush and pigment they …
Day of rest
Enjoying this book more that you will ever know! Sometimes Sunday is meant to be just that a day of rest. A day of quiet. A day to sit in …
Garden babies
I’m fairly certain I’ll have trouble moving tomorrow. My garden muscles have been as dormant as our raised beds. But this being the first nice weekend with nothing in the …
The homemade twisted company that I keep
I am incredibly lucky to call two very talented gals my friends. And I am extremely proud of their good fortune lately making their dreams come true. Cyndi and I …
Gourdough’s: Big. Fat. Donuts.
So when I go to Austin I go for IKEA and the food trucks. This year I knew we were pressed for time so there was only one place I …
Happy Ikea Day
I love going to IKEA when we visit Austin. This time it was just Phoebe with me. She found MANY things she wanted to redecorate her room with but we …
Bragging rights
My kids and their medals. David won first place for his documentary for his History Day Project on the Battle of Inchon. Very proud. And Luke won 4th place in …