Dear Phoebe You’re 13. And I’m proud and sometimes embarrassed to say you didn’t fall far from the tree. Especially when you display some of my less than admirable traits. …
Summer with a bang
We started summer with a bang. Crash. Boom. And another visit to the ER. This was not just an allergic reaction. This was the moment that a parent dreads. Your …
Support your local farmer
Saturday morning I woke up, ignoring the beginning signs of what has come to be known as the plague, and suddenly remember something important. I had heard a rumor that …
The summer spread
A work in progress for the past two years. This large granny square afghan was always destined to be the perfect summer spread. The ever expanding size (covering a queen …
Garden grooves
Does this scream victory garden pin up or what? A Gardener’s French Tip Manicure. Roma Romama Roma Tomatoes. A little Lady Gaga garden humor. I’m very excited about my garden …
Are there strawberries in that?
Strawberries. (source) They are everywhere this time of year. Dotting the roadsides fruit stands. Pyramids of packages at the grocery stores. Shortcakes on every menu. Recipe pins galore on Pinterest …
Coffee with the roses
And an orchestra of song birds.