I really do not mind being a deer season widow. Most Saturdays I’m able to wake up with the whole bed as my domain and a full pot of coffee …
Shut up rooster! P. Allen is talking
Don’t garden like me. Oh I have a bountiful garden. Sometimes its more than we can harvest. The okra gets enormous before I can cut it. My tomatoes are a …
While I wait…… I’ve spent a crazy amount of time in Starbucks today. A three hour coffee date this morning with Liz. And when you take the back roads to get …
Large groups of women scare me
I am super lazy when it comes to social situations. Always have been. I hate small talk and feeling like you have to keep going on about the weather. I …
Labor Day
The Labor Day vacation rolls around just in time for a nice reprieve from the 2 weeks of school and busy schedules. I know that once we were back in …
Back to school and the messy house
Yay! It’s back to school time. Everyone else in my family is finally back on a schedule. There was much heavy sighing and gnashing of teeth. But now I have …
Shelling peas
This is my first year to grow purple hull peas. I was under the impression that they were a bush bean so I didn’t put the trellis up. I was …