We’ve spent the day finishing home improvement projects and eating our peas with friends. Sleeping it all off near a fire with crochet and bread pudding smothered in whiskey sauce. …

So, I was saying…
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Lifting my spirits
*Rock Town Distillery invited a few Arkansas Women Bloggers to participate in a free tour and tasting. I was given a free bottle of my choosing from their product line, …
Not happy
Lately I haven’t been fit for human interaction. Maybe it’s the weather. I really need to be prepared for cold weather. If not then I end up like this. Sitting …
Irish cream- Southern style
There’s a slight chill in the night air. Just perfect for nights around the fire pit counting the stars as they come out and watching the coals pulsing in the …
Campfires and pumpkins
Fall has arrived! Even if we are still running the AC in the afternoons, we will gladly don our jackets and sweaters and scarves for the crisp mornings. I love …

Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker
I guess you could say I get a little Willie Wonka in the kitchen when it comes to making jams and jellies. OH I followed the rules in the beginning. …