My first class on webdesign was great. But wow! There is a whole lot of truth behind the low numbers of females in computer science. Out of six students, I …
Back to school
Well sort of.I’m taking a class. Through the outreach program at UCA.On web design. Since I have been working on the church’s website for the past 2 years, I have …
Clean out the fridge quiche
Quiche is always an option at our house. We are never at a loss for eggs and I actually love recipes that allow me to burn through a dozen at …
Ready to get gardening
I am itching to get my hands in the garden. Last night I was up until midnight laying everything out using the free garden planter on the Smart Gardener website. …
Wishing out my window
Dare we dream that winter is waning? In Arkansas we’ve learned that the only thing we can count on with the weather is change. This past past week’s predictions left …
The Snow Walk
In my mind I love to go on walks. I think about them all the time. I reality I do love a good walk but never seem to find the …
Flowers in the snow
The Farmer’s Almanac didn’t lie when they said this winter would be exceptionally harsh. Sleet, ice, and finally snow this weekend. But in the midst of the cold wind and …