I love to support the local system. Local businesses, local farmers, local makers. When you support local everyone benefits. I enjoyed a fabulous day at Moss Mountain Farm this week …

I love to support the local system. Local businesses, local farmers, local makers. When you support local everyone benefits. I enjoyed a fabulous day at Moss Mountain Farm this week …
Glamping doesn’t have to be a big extravaganza. Glamping can just be throwing some pretty things from home in the back of the minivan and heading out. That is just …
I’ve one little spout on the top of the purple sweet potato I got at the Seed Swap. I’ll be excited to get that planted and hopefully have purple sweet …
We are swimming in eggs! It happens suddenly where you have to switch gears from rationing your egg usage to hurry fast eat all the eggs. We are back to …
This morning Luke said, “April just can’t make up its mind.” Welcome to spring honey. Rain. Sun. Fog. Wind. Damp. Cold. We’ve gotten it all. Even snow in the past. …
I’m focusing on the sweet breeze and the pretty trees. It’s much nicer than others things going on lately. I’m lucky that my office window opens and I can enjoy …
The old saying goes “in like a lion, out like a lamb” but I think winter has it all reversed this year. Mr. Groundhog wasn’t kidding when he said there …