What a bounty of peppers there has been. You could say my garden is popping with peppers! Banana. Cayenne. Bell pepper.

Today I made good use of the huge basket of peppers I had picked a while back. They had been sitting in the extra fridge waiting for me to be inspired. Yes I had to weed through a lot of them. To the compost heap go the spoils. I really should have gotten to them earlier. Wasteful. But with the usable peppers I made this beautiful tasty creation.
I call it Confetti Pepper Jelly. Like most of my recipes this one is a combination of this and that. Snippets of what I know you need to know to make jelly work and a whole lot of praying. “Please let my jelly set.” Or “Please let the jars ping.”
Confetti Pepper Jelly
- 4 cups minced peppers
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup white grape juice
- 6 cups of sugar
- 1 box of Sure-Jell powdered pectin
- Prepare all your jars and lids. (Instructions can be found here). And measure the sugar.
- Mince a variety of colored peppers in your food processor or get those knives flying and hand chop them. I also used a variety in spice levels too. I used more banana and bell than the cayenne.
- Put the peppers, liquids, and powdered pectin in a big pot and heat on high. Let everything come to a rolling boil that can’t be stirred down.
- Stir in the sugar all at once. Let the mixture return to a big rolling foamy boil. Set your timer and let it boil for 1 minute.
- Remove from the heat and ladle the hot jelly into your jars then seal.
This jelly smelled delicious as it was cooking and will taste heavenly with bread, crackers, chips, cheese, on sandwiches….. oh I could go on and on. It’s perfect for hostess gifts or that quick dish you need to take to a party. And what’s a party without a little confetti!
Mmm! I make jalapeno jelly every year. Well, really it's mixed peppers using whatever I have too much of (I had six varieties this year), but the jalapeno is usually the predominant one. So good with cream cheese on crackers!
-Kevin Christian
That looks amazing! Someday I shall can.
Ah! This looks so good…and I've been meaning to look up a recipe after I received a jar last spring. I had it over cream cheese on a toasted bagel and it was delicious. Pinning for future use!